📌 Monday, June 5 | 12.30 pm | Protest Camp at Kiekebusch See

🔥 During the Stop Deportation! Protest Camp, we will march together upon the infrastructure of deportation that is spread around Berlin airport.
Demo route:
🚲 Bicycle Demo to Schönefeld 11.30am camp entrance
🚌 Shuttles from camp to Schönefeld 12.30pm – be on time!
🎤 Manifestation starts 1.30pm Rathaus Schönefeld
👣 Walking starts 2.30pm
End point: Terminal 5 at 5.00pm

-> Planned Site of the Deportation Center: The new Deportation Center is set to include a new deportation prison for pre-deportation detention of up to 120 people, as well as centralise BAMF, Ausländerbehörde, court and police in one fenced-off area. Also facilities are planned to coordinate multiple mass-deportation charterflights per day.
-> Current Ausreisegewahrsam: The current deportation prison is set to be replaced by the new center in 2026, but is now still detaining people.
-> Departure-Point for Mass-Deportation Charterflights: Every week at least one mass-deportation flight leaves from BER airport Terminal 5.
-> “Rückführungsgebäude”: Building where police coordinates mass-deportation flights and where people are taken for boarding procedures of such flights, often with visiting FRONTEXT agents.

🌱 Let us take this time to express our verbal rage against this racist system, against this whole architecture of deportation at the airport and let it inspire us to turn Schönefeld into a regular place of anti-deportation resistance!

🚫 We will not engage in direct actions / acts of civil disobedience during the time of the camp and the demo and ask that all camp participants also do not do so.

🔉 After days of camping together with workshops and networking on how we can resist the system of deportation, we will take to the streets and loudly demand:
Abolish the racist machinery of deportation!